What is Peripheral Vascular Disease?
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a condition that impairs blood flow to the extremities, resulting in poor circulation that can affect the legs and feet. When blood vessels narrow or become blocked, they lead to blood flow problems, including symptoms like cold feet, cold toes, swollen feet, and swollen toes. Over time, this restricted circulation can cause serious complications, including foot and leg ulcers and, in severe cases, gangrene, where tissue death occurs due to a lack of oxygen and blood supply.
For patients struggling with poor blood circulation, numbness in toes, skin discoloration on feet, or wounds not healing, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) offers a safe and natural treatment that can improve healing, restore circulation, and prevent further damage.
Emerging research and clinical experience suggest that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is effective in treating gangrene and poor blood circulation. It can improve outcomes, reduce pain, and even reverse some of the damage caused by chronic circulation problems.